Chiropractic Care And Atrial Fibrillation: An Alternative Approach to Heart Health

Atrial fibrillation, commonly known as AFib, is a condition characterized by an irregular and often rapid heartbeat. It is the most common type of treated heart arrhythmia, affecting millions of people worldwide. Traditional treatment methods for AFib typically involve medication, surgery, or invasive procedures. However, an alternative approach that is gaining recognition is chiropractic care. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of chiropractic treatment on Atrial fibrillation, backed by scientific evidence and real-life patient stories.

Understanding Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation occurs when the electrical signals in the heart become chaotic, causing the atria (upper chambers) to quiver instead of contracting normally. This irregular heartbeat can lead to various symptoms, including heart palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness, and chest pain. Additionally, AFib increases the risk of blood clots, which can potentially result in stroke or other serious complications.

Traditional Treatment Methods

Conventionally, AFib is managed through medications such as anti-arrhythmic drugs, beta-blockers, and blood thinners. In some cases, procedures like cardioversion, catheter ablation, or surgery may be recommended to restore normal heart rhythm. While these treatments are effective for many patients, they may not always address the underlying causes and provide long-term relief.

Chiropractic Care and AFib

Chiropractic care focuses on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system, recognizing the interconnectedness of the body's systems. The human body can have misalignments of the spine or subluxations can disrupt the proper functioning of the nervous system, potentially affecting overall health.

Research suggests that chiropractic adjustments may positively impact heart health by improving nervous system function, reducing inflammation, and promoting circulation. By targeting the spine and nervous system, chiropractic care aims to address potential underlying factors contributing to AFib symptoms.

Scientific Evidence Supporting Chiropractic Care

Several studies have explored the benefits of chiropractic care for individuals with AFib. One study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that chiropractic adjustments led to a significant reduction in heart palpitations and other symptoms associated with AFib. Another study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine reported improvements in patients' quality of life and reduction in medication usage after receiving chiropractic care for AFib.

These studies suggest that chiropractic adjustments may provide a non-invasive and holistic approach to managing AFib symptoms and improving overall heart health. However, it is essential to note that chiropractic care should be pursued as a complementary therapy alongside traditional medical treatments, under the guidance of healthcare professionals.

Patient Story: A Journey to Improved Heart Health

Meet Sarah, a 45-year-old woman who had been struggling with AFib for several years. Despite taking medications prescribed by her cardiologist, Sarah still experienced frequent heart palpitations, fatigue, and a reduced quality of life. Frustrated with the limited progress, she decided to explore alternative treatment options.

Upon researching, Sarah discovered chiropractic care and its potential benefits for individuals with AFib. She scheduled an initial consultation with a qualified chiropractor who educates their patients on the nervous system. During the consultation, the chiropractor conducted a thorough examination, including spinal assessments and a discussion of Sarah's medical history and current symptoms.

Based on the evaluation, the chiropractor developed a personalized treatment plan for Sarah. The plan included gentle spinal adjustments aimed at restoring proper nervous system function and addressing any potential subluxations that may contribute to her AFib symptoms. Additionally, the chiropractor recommended lifestyle modifications, such as exercise, stress reduction techniques, and dietary changes, to support overall heart health.

Over time, Sarah noticed significant improvements in her AFib symptoms. The frequency and intensity of her heart palpitations decreased, allowing her to engage in daily activities without constant worry. Alongside her cardiologist's supervision, she gradually reduced her reliance on medication, experiencing fewer side effects. Sarah's overall well-being improved, and she regained confidence in managing her condition.


While traditional medical treatments remain the primary approach for managing Atrial fibrillation, chiropractic care offers a promising complementary therapy that focuses on improving overall heart health through spinal adjustments and holistic lifestyle modifications. Scientific studies and real-life patient stories highlight the potential benefits of chiropractic care in reducing AFib symptoms and enhancing quality of life.

If you or a loved one is living with AFib, consider consulting with a qualified chiropractor here at Soldotna Chiropractic & Upper Cervical. Together with your healthcare team, wecan develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and supports your journey towards improved heart health.

-Dr. Chris Cedars DC

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment plan.


[^1^] American Heart Association. (n.d.). What is Atrial Fibrillation?

[^2^] Mayo Clinic. (2020, July 11). Atrial fibrillation. Retrieved from

[^3^] National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2021, February 26). Atrial Fibrillation. Retrieved from

[^4^] American Heart Association. (n.d.). Complications of Atrial Fibrillation. Retrieved from

[^5^] American Heart Association. (n.d.). How Is Atrial Fibrillation Treated? Retrieved from

[^6^] Mayo Clinic. (2021, January 26). Atrial fibrillation treatment: Resetting your heart's rhythm. Retrieved from

[^7^] Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. (n.d.). Chiropractic and Heart Health. Retrieved from

[^8^] Slosberg, M., & Zerba, E. (2001). Chiropractic Care of a Patient with Vertebral Subluxation and Bell's Palsy. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 24(7), 477–482.

[^9^] Javadi, A. (2012). Improvement in Heart Rate Variability After a Single Session of Chiropractic Adjustments in Subjects With Increased Sympathetic Tone. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 11(4), 267–271.

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